The Blessing of the Lord maketh rich!

There are many that chase riches, and employ any means necessary to do so. They get to enjoy their riches for a season. However, their lack of integrity catches up to them sooner or later and they end up paying too high of a price for their temporary prosperity. However, the righteous take steps to obey God’s way of doing business and trade. They might not look like they are prospering, but little by little they will increase. In time they have more than enough, and they can sleep at night in peace. Not so with the wicked. They are constantly worried that someone is going to take their riches away. They get so consumed by their riches, that they ultimately won’t enjoy them. Don’t chase after riches. Work honestly and save with integrity. God will honor your obedience and wisdom, and you will prosper and enjoy it with peace and joy!

Proverbs 10:22 – The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.

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