
A collection of quotes by Victor Nazario:


“Vision is an action word. vision must be acted out, not just thought out.” If I were Yoda, I would say it like this: An action word, vision is. Acted out, vision must be.”

“Vision and an attitude of cooperation go hand in hand.”

“God gives us daily a gift called today. Today is a beautiful piece of land with good soil. What will you plant in your patch of land today?”

“For every problem, there are 2 keys for a solution: creativity and wisdom.”

“Wow! A new day; New opportunities; New chances; Clean slate; We get to do it all over again. Do it right this time around.”

“When I think about the Lord; that means I am no longer thinking about lack, worry, problems, etc. What do you think about during the day?”

“Your perspective determines what you see, & what you see determines what you sow. What you sow creates your future.”

“The law of sowing and reaping is one of God’s gifts to us. You get to determine your harvest/success.”

“Accountability keeps you in check. Who are you accountable to?”

“Iron can either sharpen or dull iron; are you sharpening/uplifting/encouraging your friends? Are you sharpening yourself or letting yourself get dull?”

“Change is a constant. Partner with change so it can align with your principles and future.”

“Your perception of the day makes it good or bad 4 you, but remember that before you decide whether it’s good or bad, the Lord made this day.”

“We’re moving into the future, so if we’re going there, why not live in the future that we design vs a future that others think we ought to be in.”

“In the same way soldiers train their bodies, we need to train our minds to stand successfully against the onslaughts of doubt, fear and worry.”

“The Bible teaches that the battle is in the mind. Since this is so, why is it that so many refuse to renew their minds for success?”

“Time is one of the most important assets anyone can has. Learn to treasure, value and maximize it every day.”

“Conquerer’s thought: Winners know the power of focus. Losers think focus is too much work and trouble, so they see it as an annoyance.”

“Love covers a multitude of sins and strengthens relationships, and gossip reveals a multitude of sins and destroys relationships.”

“The words that come out of your mouth come from your internal belief system, and so does your daily attitude.”

“It’s not what happens in a day that makes it great, it’s how we respond to what happens.”

“New day – New mercies – New opportunities.”

“A goal without action is simply a day dream. Action is the defining factor of accomplishment and manifestation of vision.”

“Success is several small daily effective habits/disciplines. Procrastination and failure is based on several daily bad habits. You choose.”

“Today reminded me that storms arrive from time to time. Our peace is dependent on how we respond to storms, not due to their absence.”

“We are all called to lead whether we have a title or not. Someone is always watching and learning from you.”




“Quotables” from other Notables


“How you respond to crisis in your life, is the greatest message you’ll ever preach.” — Dr. A.R. Bernard

“Parties who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in a field & hope that the cow will back up to them.” — A. Hubert

“People with humility don’t think less of themselves; they just think of themselves less.” — Blanchard & Peale

“The big error young leaders make is thinking leadership is about the leader. It’s NOT about you! It’s about those u serve.”

“Never be impressed with how much scripture somebody KNOWS, be impressed with how much scripture they APPLY.” — T. Wyse

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” — Max Lucado

“Sometimes what we do speaks so loud, people find it hard to hear what we say.” — A.R. Bernard

“People may forget what you say. People may forget what you do. But they always remember how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

“We can’t cast out stupid… But we can impart knowledge” — Elder Jose Ross

“The bookends of achieving our goals are decisions & discipline. Decisions help us start. Discipline helps us finish.” — John Maxwell