Are your words helpful or perverse?

The scriptures are clear on the difference between godly and wicked speech. In the New Living Translation, Proverbs 10:32 declares the difference. One speaks helpful words and the other speaks perverse words. God is not ambiguous about this. You are either practicing godly speech and actions or you are not. Today, many have their opinions as to what is acceptable to God. Yet many have no filter on their speech. They say anything that comes to their minds. Perverse speech can be foul language. It can also be curses or hateful desires hurled at others. When you allow unfiltered anger or hate to flow through your mouth without considering the repercussions, it can bring about much destruction. The godly think first before speaking. And, if they do say something that is not helpful, they will realize it and bring about the needed correction. Are your words helpful and encouraging, or are you guilty of spewing perverse words? Always remember that God hears every single word that we speak, and He will hold us accountable for our words, whether they are helpful, or perverse.

Proverbs 10: 32 (NLT) – The lips of the godly speak helpful words, but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverse words.

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