Are you withholding grain?

NOTE: This coming Sunday, we will have our dear friends, Ministers Daryl and Diane Doleman come and minister in song and testimony. It’s going to be an anointed time of fellowship and worship. Don’t miss it. Bring your family. You’ll be blessed.

In Matthew 25: 14-28, The Lord taught on the parable of the talents. There He highlighted the importance of using and multiplying what God has placed in your hands. He was pleased with the two men who traded with their talents, and multiplied what the Lord had given them. But He was displeased with the one who refused to use the talent that God had given him. He called him wicked and lazy. What many don’t realize is that God didn’t give you talents for you to give it back to Him. He gave you these talents to bless the world with them. When you bless others, God will bless you with more, so that you can continue to bless others. He is looking to the ones that He can trust with His eternal treasures. When He finds them, He works with them and through them. If you refuse to help others with what God placed in your hands, know that you will displease God. But if you are generous and share, God’s grace, and provision will flow to you and through you!

Proverbs 11:26 – The people will curse him who withholds grain,
But blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.

6 Replies to “Are you withholding grain?”

  1. I always feel more blessed when I give than when I receive. It is a blessing! When I’m work at my job I work into the Lord with thanksgiving and gratefullness. God bless Pastor.

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