Power principles

There are many power principles in the New Testament. One of them is the power of gratitude. King David taught much on the power of gratitude. People that are grateful have such an advantage over those who are ungrateful. The ungrateful cannot see beyond their current circumstances; The grateful see hidden opportunities, even during times of difficulty. The ungrateful do not appreciate what they currently have, so they are always looking and desiring what others have; The grateful appreciate what God has placed in their hands. The ungrateful are never satisfied, so they are always stuck in a vicious cycle of jealousy and desiring what others have; The grateful place great value in what they currently have, thus they are free to grow from there. The ungrateful are not generous, because they do not value what they have; The grateful are generous, even with the little that they have. the ungrateful can’t see past their circumstances to see God’s love and mercy. The grateful realize that God is good, and His mercy endures forever! (Psalms 106:1)

Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of [f]God”.


4 Replies to “Power principles”

  1. Amen!!! Being grateful and content in what God has given us is very important because it also shows our true hearts. Wanting things that belong to others is “Covetous” which God warns against in Exodus 20:17. When we desire things that don’t belong to us, this can be dangerous because it can open the door to sin. A bible example is stated in 1 Kings 21:1-29 when Ahab and Jezebel desired Naboth’s vineyard. This opened the door to sin because when Naboth refused to accept their offer, Jezebel and Ahab had him killed. We must be grateful with what God has given us and humbling ourselves before the Master!!! Thank you Father through Your Son, Jesus!! We give You All the glory, honor and praise!!

  2. I was poor whatever I got I always thank God. As long I have a place to lived,plate of food in my table I am rich. So I always give thank for everything he gave me amen.

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