Is your heart good soil for God’s word?

In the parable of the sower, Jesus teaches that the seed is the word of God, and the good ground is the heart (Mark 4: 14, 15 Amplified version). Jesus taught that when the heart is receptive, it receives the word, and the seed will yield many times over. Here is the challenge: many Christians are not growing in their faith! What this means is that they have allowed conditions into their hearts that alter their hearts’ ability to receive. the parable of the sower actually describes four different kinds of soil. The first area allowed the enemy to remove the seed once it had been sown. The second didn’t allow a good root system to form, so the little plants would die quickly. The third seed was planted next to weeds, so the plant was choked and suffocated. The fourth seed was planted on good soil, so it yielded much fruit. If you are allowing conditions into your heart which cause doubt and fear, the enemy will steal the wisdom of the word from you. If you don’t ground yourself in God and His word, the infection of problems and challenges to your faith will destroy your faith. If you are always listening to those who only criticize, complain, doubt and fear, it will choke your faith, and you will become spiritually paralyzed and dull. This will kill your spiritual discernment, so you will become spiritually dead. Which soil does your heart represent? Make sure it is good soil, receptive to God and His Word. Allow His word to saturate, penetrate and take root in your heart. It will bear good fruit, thirty, sixty and one hundred fold!

Matthew 13:8 “Other seeds fell on good soil, and yielded grain—some a hundred times as much as was sown, some sixty times as much, and some thirty.”

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