Are the holidays really here?

We are now officially in the “holiday season.” Are you aware that the word holiday comes from the old English word “Haligdaeg” which means: Holy Day, consecrated Day or Sabbath. That would mean that a holiday was originally supposed to be a day dedicated to worshipping God, resting from work and all stress-filled activities, and sharing God’s love with family. How far have we gotten away from the original intention of a holiday! In this holiday season, make it less about the stressful, commercial applications that the Madison Ave marketers thrust upon us in 5000 commercials, and make it more about God’s grace, goodness, love, joy, and peace. Make it more about ministering God’s love to family and friends. After all, we’re in the holidays (Holy-Days).

Esther 9:19 (ISV) “Therefore the Jewish people in the rural areas who live in unwalled towns make the fourteenth day of the month Adar a holiday for joy and feasting, and people send presents to one another”.

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