Are you feeling the “stretch”?

Rubber bands are always very helpful in so many ways. When not in use, rubber bands look weak and lack a solid body. However, when they are “stretched,” they suddenly reveal their strength. They hold things together, and become a “third hand” for those that need their help. They reveal their strength under pressure. In the same way, when God stretches us, it reveals our true strength. God put pressure on Gideon even though he didn’t believe in himself. When Gideon was “stretched,” He accomplished great things. Pressure releases our true power and abilities. The  boot camp sergeant knows that, so they will push new soldiers to their breaking point. It is there where the new soldiers realize that they can actually accomplish much more that they had ever realized. It is there that they realize that they are stronger than they ever realized.  This year, God is stretching us beyond our comfort zones because there is something that He had already deposited in us that needs to be released in this day. However, it will not be released until we are “stretched.” Are you ready to be stretched? This is your season to be activated and to become that blessing that God created you to be!

Judges 6: 14-16 “Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?” So he said to Him, “O [d]my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” And the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”




8 Replies to “Are you feeling the “stretch”?”

  1. Amén Pastor V. I remember back in 2011 when I was seeking counsel about switching jobs which would allow me tHe time I needed to complete my education. I was fearful of the move and of the decrease in finances. Your counsel: “God is stretching you…you won’t realize your full potential unless you allow Him to stretch your boundaries. So, go ahead take job…” it’s 7 yrs later…I’ve got my degree, license and Board certification as a Psychiatric/Mental Heath Nurse Practitioner! I’m the Assistanr Director of the Out-Patient Behavioral Health Center I’m working at…only GOD can do that! I would NEVER of seen what I was capable of accomplishing had I not stepped out in FAITH. This position slows me to minister to people who are hurt and broken. Yes, I do prescribe medication when warranted but I tell my patients I can give you meds to stabilize you but ONLY GOD CAN HEAL YOU! I have not by any means “arrived”, but I’m also not fearful because I know he holds the reins, and HE reigns in my heart! Thank you Pastor! May GOD continue to use you! It’s is truly a privilege to co-labor with you!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. You have gone far in your career by faith and by not being afraid to get out of your comfort level. I am very proud of your accomplishments. I am also honored that you are one of CCF’s leaders! We are making a difference together! Love and respect always!

  2. I thank God that He has already blessed us with all that we need to secure His plan and His will for this season. Lord, I’m ready to be stretched! My faith is in You and You alone! Amen!

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