Are you releasing joy, or are you provoking grief?

Selfish people do not consider their actions. Your actions will most of the time impact others as well as yourself. Some will say: “I don’t care what people think. I am going to do what I please.” They say this and don’t care of the repercussions that their actions will have. We were not born in a vacuum. Our actions will either give joy to those who love us, or cause them grief. Think about this: When a son graduates from college, who is there to celebrate with him most of the time? Conversely, when a son lands in jail for a foolish act, does it only hurt him, or does it also grieve his parents, his wife, his children, his close friends? Whether or not we realize or admit it, we are more connected than we know. Let’s strive to provide joy to those who are close to us. This pleases the heart of God!

Proverbs 10:1 – A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the grief of his mother.

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