Are your words acceptable to our Heavenly Father?

Be reminded today of how important it is that we put a watch over our mouths each and every day to ensure that they words we are speaking are aligned with God’s word and will. Death and life are in the power of the tongue and as ambassadors for Christ, we need to understand that we represent the King in this earth realm. Therefore, we need to pray every day that God give us wisdom to speak as the oracles of God and not like those who do not care of the repercussions of their words. Watch what you say and do, because it is creating and environment and a legacy. The question is: is the legacy you are creating glorifying God or helping to destroy this generation?

Psalm 19:14: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer”

7 Replies to “Are your words acceptable to our Heavenly Father?”

  1. Amen! Holy Spirit helps us that our words bring glory to our Heavenly Father through Jesus!!! Good word Apostle Nazario and very timely for the body of Christ! Thank you!

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