Los sabios entienden y valoran los consejos!

El desacuerdo es normal en los humanos. Estamos llenos de ideas, puntos de vista y diferentes perspectivas. Es durante estos tiempos que la verdad es un ancla y puede ayudar a resolver los desacuerdos. Sabemos que la palabra de Dios es verdad, y podemos apoyarnos en su palabra para resolver nuestras disputas. Sin embargo, hay quienes lucharán contra la palabra de Dios. Sienten que su perspectiva es correcta y lucharán hasta el amargo final para abrirse camino. Aquí es donde el orgullo puede causar una gran destrucción en la vida de uno (Proverbios 16:18  “El orgullo va antes de la destrucción, y un espíritu altivo antes de una caída”). A la inversa, hay quienes reciben consejos y correcciones de la palabra, así como mentores piadosos. Las escrituras revelan que estas personas son sabias. ¿Eres uno de los que siempre está tratando de salirse con la suya sin importar qué, o eres capaz de humillarte y recibir de la palabra de Dios y de los demás? Recuerda: ¡Hay sabiduría en tomar buenos consejos!

Proverbios 13:10  “Donde hay conflicto, hay orgullo, pero la sabiduría se encuentra en aquellos que toman consejos”

Are you content with what you have and who you are? 

There are many today that are always attempting to show that they have more than what they really have. They are constantly trying to impress others with what they drive, where they live, the clothing they wear, etc. They are always trying to keep up with the “Joneses”. Their pride is always pushing them to make it seem that they are better off than others. However, the reality is that many who appear to “have it all,” are actually one crisis away from bankruptcy. Things aren’t always what they seem. Most millionaires aren’t this way. You would never know that they are millionaires. They drive Toyota Camrys. They live in decent homes, but the homes are not ostentatious. They go to work every day like everybody else. When they want to take a good vacation, they are able to do so, but they will never flaunt their abundance. The Apostle Paul once said that he had learned to be content in whatever state he was in, whether he had plenty, or whether he had little (Philippians 4:11-12). Actually, true riches are not material things. True riches include a personal and vibrant relationship with God (Colossians 1:27). Be grateful for what you have and who you are, be at peace with having a good family, good friends, good health, a job, business or ministry that you enjoy serving in, be grateful for being able help others in their time of need. Do you have some or all of these riches in your life? If not, are you working toward these, or have you been caught up in trying to impress others?

Proverbs 13:7 “There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; and one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches”