¡La disciplina santa produce madurez y discernimiento!

La palabra disciplina es una buena palabra. Parte del significado es: entrenamiento que corrige, moldea o perfecciona las facultades mentales o el carácter moral. La disciplina piadosa conduce a la madurez y la eficacia. Mira lo que Deuteronomio comparte sobre la disciplina: Deuteronomio 8:5 “Piénsalo: así como un padre disciplina a un niño, el Señor tu Dios te disciplina por tu propio bien”. La mayoría de las personas tienen conceptos erróneos sobre la disciplina, por lo que la evitan; oran contra ella; piensan que Dios los ha dejado; ellos lo odian. Y debido a esto, nunca maduran. En cambio, pasan la mayor parte de su vida justificando por qué nunca maduran o prosperan. Sin embargo, si se hubieran sometido a la disciplina divina, hubieran podido salir de sus límites y hubieran seguido haciendo grandes cosas en su vida. Es hora de permitir que la disciplina divina tenga su trabajo perfecto en ti. ¡Te impulsará hacia adelante y más alto!

Proverbios 13:1 “Un niño sabio acepta la disciplina de un padre; un burlón se niega a escuchar la corrección”

Choose your relationships carefully!

There are powerful principles in the Scriptures. One of them states that the company you keep can help you or destroy you. Throughout the years, you will meet many people, and have many acquaintances, but very few friends. Always remember that many times, God places something you need in someone else. there are some answers that you can only get through quality relationships. This is one of the reasons why you must always value good relationships. True friends provide many wonderful things, such as: affirmation, enjoyment, fellowship, additional family, help when needed, wisdom, warmth, laughter, prayer, sympathy, empathy, a shoulder to cry on, and many other amazing benefits. One is rich who has good friends. So value your true friends, but always make sure that you don’t open up to everyone right away, because most will not know how to value what you bring to the table. Ask God today to give you discernment to know who your true friends are, and who you should stay away from.

Proverbs 12:26 “The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray”