¡Algunos nunca están satisfechos!

El apóstol Pablo dijo una vez que estaba contento si tenía o no suficiente o poco. La clave de la satisfacción de Pablo era que sabía que Dios era su proveedor y que había derrotado al espíritu de la codicia. Es bueno querer hacer lo mejor que pueda, y trabajar hacia una educación superior y mejores salarios. Sin embargo, al final del día, los justos están contentos y agradecidos por lo que Dios les ha proporcionado. Puede haber temporadas en las que tengas más, o incluso menos, pero cuando aprecies lo que Dios te ha proporcionado, podrás estar en paz y dormir tranquilo. Los malvados nunca están satisfechos. Siempre quieren más, y nunca será suficiente. Esto es codicia, y no agrada a Dios. Determine hoy para estar agradecido y agradecido, y su alma estará satisfecha en esta vida, ¡y agradará al corazón de Dios!

Proverbios 13: 25 “Los justos comen para satisfacer su alma, pero el estómago de los impíos tendrá necesidad”

Are you thinking about the next generation?

Most people today are selfish in nature. They only think about their own needs and wants. Most want to be rich so that they can have and enjoy “things,” such as fancy lifestyles, big homes, fancy cars, travel around the world, etc. Although these things are not bad in and of themselves, when you only desire these things without any concern for anyone else, it can become sin to you. The scriptures counsel us to reject selfishness.  Proverbs 13:22 says  “Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly”. Note how God instructs us to think beyond our selfishness. We are to actively prepare an inheritance not only for our children, but also for our children’s children (our grandchildren). This can also mean to prepare an inheritance for all those that God places in your care, and for the next generation. It could be family, community or your church family.  God revealed Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is three generations. Christ died on the cross not for Himself, but for all of humanity. That is pure love and selflessness. Reject the selfish nature today and embrace God’s love for this generation. And make sure that you begin to prepare an inheritance for your children and grandchildren! Someone prayed for you and prepared all the benefits that you see and enjoy around you. Now it’s our turn to leave a blessed legacy for future generations!

Proverbs 13:22  “Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly”