Los diligentes trabajan y planifican con paciencia!

Solemos querer apresurar las cosas por falta de paciencia. La paciencia es uno de los frutos del espíritu. Nuestra carne quiere cosas sin trabajar o trabajar por ello. Sin embargo, ¡todas las grandes cosas toman tiempo para cultivar, formar, crear o lograr! Disminuya la velocidad y haga menos, pero asegúrese de que está logrando lo que es importante. ¡Haz una cosa genial, no 50 cosas al azar!

“El que tiene que ser rico, tiene un mal de ojo, y no considera que la pobreza venga sobre él” (Proverbios 28:22)

“Los planes bien meditados dan buen resultado; los que se hacen a la ligera causan la ruina” (Proverbios 21:5-DHH)

Are your eyes fixed on the prize?

Paul Meyer once said: “Ninety percent of all those who fail are not actually defeated, they simply quit.” Simply put, sometimes failure is based on circumstances beyond our control. But most of the time, failure to many, is simply a wrong attitude. The difference between the one who becomes a failure and the one who succeeds  is whether they get back up and try again. What are you hoping and praying for? What are you sacrificing for? If the Lord has placed in your heart something that has great value, it will be tested, and the enemy of our souls will try to stop you. However, did he manage to stop the Lord Jesus? Did he stop Paul, Did he stop Joseph, Joshua, Nehemiah, etc. The answer is NO WAY! They had their eyes fixed on the prize! They were unstoppable. Are you “Unstoppable” today?

Phillipians 3:14 (ERV) “I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven”