¿Eres ciudadano en este reino?

En Mateo 6:10, el Señor Jesús nos enseñó a orar para que su reino viniera. Cuando se habla de un reino, por necesidad hay que entender que hay un Rey que gobierna ese reino. También hay príncipes y princesas. El reino también tiene ciudadanos que viven en ese reino. El Señor Jesús es el Rey de este reino. Él predicó el evangelio del reino de Dios (Marcos 1:14). Él nos instruyó a buscar el reino de Dios y su justicia primero, y el Rey proveería para cada una de nuestras necesidades (Mateo 6:33). Cuando buscamos el reino de Dios, caminamos en justicia, paz y gozo en el Espíritu Santo (Romanos 14:17). Caminamos en poder (1 Corintios 4:20). Hay sanidad y liberación en este reino (Lucas 9:11, 10: 9, 11:20). Solo los justos pueden ser ciudadanos de este reino. Tenemos que recibir el reino como niños (Marcos 10:15). Los niños confían implícitamente en sus padres, y debemos confiar en nuestro Rey de la misma manera. Y en este reino, somos un sacerdocio real (1 Pedro 2: 9). ¡El Rey Jesús quiere que lo recuerdes todos los días cuando ores!

Mateo 6:10 “Venga tu reino. hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo”

Is His will or your will being done here on earth?

The Lord Jesus taught us to pray for the Father’s will be done “on earth” as it’s done in Heaven. This is important because God made us to be His representatives here on earth. When He created us, He gave us the authority on earth to guard and protect our “garden,” that is to say the place of our responsibility. That means that whatever happens on this earth is man’s responsibility. One might say, God is sovereign, and He could do whatever He wants. However, God submits to His word. He exalts His word. He honors His word (Psalms 138:2). When He said man is in charge, He himself submitted to that very command. You could see this truth played out on the cross. God became man to handle the sin issue, because man is in charge on this earth as per God’s command. That is why when we pray, it is our responsibility to ensure that God’s will in heaven is now replicated here on earth. Part of our responsibility in prayer, is to make sure that God’s will is being done in our sphere of influence. As God’s representatives, God honors our prayers. Someone once said “without prayer nothing happens.” Are you praying to ensure that God’s will is being done in your garden, or sphere of influence? God is waiting for your prayers!

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come. your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”