No entristezcáis al Espíritu Santo de Dios!

El Señor Jesús nos dijo en Juan 14: “Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos”. Y orares al Padre, y él te dará otro ayudante, para que permanezca contigo para siempre: el Espíritu de verdad, a quien el mundo no puede recibir, porque ni lo ve ni lo conoce; pero tú lo conoces a Él, porque Él mora contigo y estará en ti. “El Espíritu Santo es el Espíritu de la Verdad. Necesitamos una relación personal con el Espíritu Santo, Él nos guiará a toda la verdad, y nos hará saber la voluntad de Dios. para nuestras vidas. El Señor Jesús nos dijo que el Espíritu Santo habitaría en nosotros. Es vital que no entristezcamos al Espíritu Santo. Si hubo alguna relación que debemos priorizar, es esta relación. El Espíritu Santo nunca mentirá para ti. Él siempre te guiará en los senderos de rectitud que te beneficiarán a ti, a tus familias, a tu destino y a tu futuro. Él siempre te guiará a Dios. Él siempre te revelará la voluntad de Dios.

Efesios 4:30- Y no entristezcáis al Espíritu Santo de Dios, por el cual fuisteis sellados para el día de la redención.


Are you walking in love?

1 John 4:8 States several powerful truths: “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love”. Wow! The first truth is a master truth: God is Love! Most people do not have a problem with that statement. Most even appreciate it. However, the first part of that verse says: He who does not love does not know God…. This is a huge revelation. Anyone can say they are a Christian, or that they know God. But if they are not walking in the God kind of love, they are not of God. The Lord Jesus once said this sobering statement in Matthew 7:21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”. He goes on to declare in verse 23: “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” God’s will is that we walk in love in this lifetime, thus manifesting His love to a lost and confused humanity. We are to be imitators of God, and walk in the same love that he bestowed upon us. This is not easy, but His Holy Spirit will help us to reveal His love even when our flesh would want to rebel. Ask God today that His love would be revealed through you, and watch what God will do in and through you!

Ephesians 5:1 – Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.