La Palabra de Dios es una Defensa!

Eclesiastés 7: 12 dice: “Porque la sabiduría es una defensa, como el dinero es una defensa, pero la excelencia del conocimiento es que la sabiduría da vida a los que la tienen”.

Nunca había visto la sabiduría como una defensa. Sin embargo, el proverbista declara que las palabras de los sabios son una defensa. Tus palabras y sabiduría pueden ser un arma contra los problemas y desafíos de la vida. ¿Captaste eso? La sabiduría es una defensa. Cuanta más sabiduría de Dios tenga en su mente y espíritu, más potencial de defensa tendrá en esta vida. Proverbios 24:6 (NTV) dice: “Así que, no vayas a la guerra sin consejo (sabiduria) sabio; la victoria depende de que tengas muchos consejeros.” Los desafíos siempre estarán presentes, pero con el arma de defensa de Dios, la sabiduría, siempre podrás superar cualquier problema y obstáculo. Aquí hay otra razón por la que debemos estudiar la palabra de Dios DIARIAMENTE. ¡Su palabra es una DEFENSA!

Are you building or destroying your house?

God has given us the privilege and responsibility of making our own decisions. This is not to be taken lightly! Your decisions and actions affect your future and that of those who depend upon you. The responsible ones understand this, and build their future in such a way that it will not only benefit them, but it will also benefit all those of his or her household. This principle also extends to your church family and community. The foolish however, do not care about the repercussions of their actions. They will sacrifice their future on the altar of their present enjoyment. Unfortunately, they will ultimately regret this. But by then, it will be too late. They will have already destroyed what could have been an amazing future and legacy. Don’t fall into that trap! Determine today to be that wise person that will build their house with integrity and wisdom. Those around you will call you blessed, and will appreciate your legacy!

Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands”