Promotion in the Kingdom vs. the World

Welcome to this week’s teaching.

Today, I want to share with you the difference of being promoted in the Kingdom of God versus how the world views promotion.

Promotion is very “tasty” to the flesh. Humans love to look and feel important. Promotion can carry with it mindsets of pride, elitism and superiority. That is why every emerging leader will to go through a time of brokenness in his or her life. The world views promotion as being the “top dog”. Yet in the Kingdom of God, the higher up you go the more of a servant you become.

The word “brokenness” is used many times when explaining the dealings of God in a leader’s life. God purposefully allows situations in your life that will ultimately expose the character defects of pride, superiority, independence and other forms of sin that you may not be aware of. For many, negative emotions emerge from past failures, deep rooted inferiority complexes and lack of trust in God. When you see your sins and attitudes for what they really are, you will begin to genuinely repent from these lifestyles and attitudes. You will then learn to put on humility and develop a new, fresh trust in God. This stage is very painful, so you will also experience a time of mourning. In the end, however, the result will be refreshing and empowering because Christ will be beautifully reflected in you as the true Hope of Glory.

Another problem found in promotion is that of being passed over. People work very hard for many years and feel extremely disillusioned when their leaders promote others instead of them. As a consequence, many attempt to push themselves into promotions before their time. When they succeed in pushing themselves into higher levels of responsibility, they quickly learn that they are incompetent in working at the new level. This is followed by a great frustration of being fired due to incompetence. A godly leader recognizes that true promotion ultimately comes from the Lord.

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” (Author’s emphasis) — Psalm 75:6-7 (KJV)

The NIV states it this way:

“No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.” — Psalm 75:6-7

While everyone else is fighting and jockeying for position, the patient, godly leader understands that at the right time God will provide the way of promotion. A good example of this is found in the life of King David. No one in his family realized nor recognized that a king was in formation in the life of David. The Prophet Samuel also did not initially recognize David’s potential. Nonetheless, God took David from tending sheep to shepherding Israel.

Samuel judged David by his appearance and size, and wrongly expected God to choose one of David’s brawny brothers. But in God’s Kingdom neither fame, nor size, nor looks are determining factors for promotion. God looks at our hearts, motives and lifestyles. While David may not have looked as impressive as his brothers, God promoted him above them, and the rest is history.

Another excellent example of promotion in the midst of extremely contrary circumstances is that of Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob. Joseph lived in a difficult environment. Jacob’s preferential treatment of Joseph caused him to be hated by his siblings. Jacob openly showed more love to Joseph than to his other children, and even made Joseph a coat of many colors. As a result, Joseph’s brothers could not speak well of him nor to him. An even greater hatred was eventually developed between the brothers when Joseph shared several dreams with them. Joseph’s dreams seemed to infer that his family would bow down to him one day. This ultimately led to an unspeakable action. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery and faked his death. They reported this awful lie to their father in the hopes that they would never see Joseph again.

Joseph’s fate appeared to be sealed. Under the scenario his brothers laid out for him, he would never gain the opportunity to live above them again. By the actions of his brothers, Joseph was rendered an official nobody—a slave. It seemed that Joseph’s life couldn’t possibly get any worse. But it did. It worsened much more as Joseph became accused of raping his master’s wife and ultimately ended up in prison. Under this state of affairs, it appeared that Joseph would never become anyone of significance. Yet God took this outcast of society, a forgotten soul, and promoted him beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. In a prison cell, God gave Joseph favor with the right people and he was eventually elevated to the highest position alongside Pharaoh (Genesis 39: 21-23; 41: 14-16; 41: 37-45).

In the end, Joseph’s brothers, including his father Jacob, bowed before him, just like the dream foretold. Even though Joseph experienced every conceivable challenge and hardship, God “turned his mourning into dancing”. The Lord divinely ordered Joseph’s steps. This account strongly teaches that if you are faithful and obedient, God will turn any contrary situation around for your good. Like Joseph, God will also order your steps and promote you in His time and season.

There are various principles found in Joseph’s life and promotion:

  • God prepares you in secret.
  • God initiates your ministry, not by your own design; it is revealed to you step by step during the course of your walk with God.
  • God’s will is based on seasons in your life.
  • Without God you cannot do anything of eternal value.
  • You will recognize the high importance and value of obedience, faithfulness and integrity of character.
  • God prepares the way for you and orders your steps.
  • God permits you to enter into a wilderness experience that will expose things within you that must be dealt with.
  • Opportunities are many times hidden within your problems.
  • In the end, you will possess your inheritance.

Now that you have had the opportunity to read through this week’s teaching, you probably are experiencing one or more of these processes in your life right now. Be encouraged, because you are well under way to your promotion in God’s Kingdom. Always remember: As you humble yourself, God will exalt you.

Applying wisdom to everyday life for extraordinary results,


Victor Nazario

Four Principles for Increase and Success

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

~ Joshua 1:8 ~

1. Watch your words

Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. – Your words reflect your belief system. Words have power to impact your present as well as the future. Today, we can clearly see how words are strong drivers of relationships, businesses, ministry, education, the financial world and government among other things. In James 3, the writer shares how powerful our conversation is. If used improperly, we can destroy people, hurt our futures, negatively impact our business or ministries, etc. Conversely, we can empower ourselves and others with the right words. We can bless our surroundings, business and ministries when we speak the right words, thoughts and ideas.

We have a running commentary going in our minds all the time. We usually end up speaking based on our internal thoughts and perspectives. This is why we must align our minds with God’s Word and His way of thinking. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mind speaks (Matthew 12:34), When I learned this principle, I started listening to my own conversation. I then realized how much damage I was doing to my own future. Faith comes by hearing…… Part of what you believe comes from what you are saying to yourself and others. If you continue to spout out doubt and fear, that is what you will reap. Put a watch to your words, remove any destructive conversation from your conversation, and replace them with God’s promises, words and commentary that reflect your better future, thoughts and concepts that increase your self-worth and confidence. God believes in you. You must also. “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” (Phillipians 4:13).

Also, we must work with the revelation and understanding that God gives us in His Word to break out of our self-imposed or culturally-imposed limits. NOTE: for as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7, KJV). God told Joshua that if he would meditate on His Word day and night, he would make his way prosperous. NOTE: it does not say that God would make his way prosperous; It says that Joshua would make his own way prosperous as he meditates and acts on God’s Word. What are you meditating on day and night? What are you studying? Many study TV programs every day (I say that sarcastically). That is fantasy and will stagnate and paralyze your future and destiny. We need to get our heads out of the things that are causing us to be detracted and entertained to the point that we never activate the actions that are going to cause us to enter into our more beneficial future. It won’t happen by dreaming only. Meditate on and speak His Word daily, and then your thoughts and corresponding actions will fall in line with His Will, and you will prosper in life and ministry.


2. Faith needs corresponding works and a clear objective.

What are you believing for? You need to know what to believe for. In order to successfully decree a thing, you must know it is the will of God and beneficial to your future. If not, what gets established in your future will be unsure. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Also, a person who is moving in true faith goes to work on what he/she believes, and partners with God to bring it to pass. Faith and action go hand in hand. Faith without action is a pipe dream. One is deceived if one thinks that they can have what they believe for without corresponding actions. I can vividly remember when God placed it in my heart to write a book. Even though I had faith that God was going to help me write a book, I had no idea how and where to get started. After doing a lot of praying, I realized that nothing would come to pass if I did not start writing. What I did was reach out to those friends of mine who had already written books. I asked them how did they get started. I asked them what steps did they take to end up with the finished product. Then, after I did all the research, I began the process of writing my book.

I wish I could tell you it was quick and easy, but I would be lying. It was a new process for me, and a foreign one. It took all my strength and discipline to begin the process. After several months I considered giving up. I had to dig deep and remember what was important. I had learned that a book is an extension of my ministry and life. It would live on even after I was gone. It could go to places that I might never go to. It could be translated into many languages and impact people all over the world. I imagined a person reading my book and being impacted and changed forever. I then remembered it was not about my momentary comfort. It was about all the people this book would help in the future. That motivated me to continue the process.

It took a total of 5 years for me to finish the book. It could have take 6 to 9 months, but due to all the personal and internal challenges that I had to deal with, I kept on delaying the process.

However, what I learned and became during the process, was just as important as the book itself. I was able to grow as an individual and in my writing skills. But if I would never had put “feet” to my faith, the book would never had been written.


3. True greatness is being sensitive to and helping to meet the needs of humanity.

Many have lost their passion for the lost. They have become cold and insensitive to the needs of others. Paul taught Timothy to counsel the rich not to become high-minded, but to be rich in good works. Real greatness is being a servant leader at heart. Jesus taught the disciples to wash each other’s feet and serve one another. We need to overcome the conditioning of society as well as the resistance of your flesh because it only wants to be pampered. It doesn’t want to serve others. We also must overcome the contamination of religious rituals and habits. It is dangerous to learn without implementing what we learn in faith and love. Never allow yourself to get so desensitized that you neglect the simple obedience to just serve in love. One prospers to the degree that one serves and cares and meet needs. Your value in society is linked to the problems you solve and the issues that you can correct. Be the one that brings solutions and excellent service and you will rise to the top in your chosen profession. Mankind is at its highest when it helps others. God is a Giver, and He created us in His image. We are at out happiest when we can help others in some way, shape or form. When we are in a position to give to others, it makes us feel alive and vibrant. As a father, I love when I give gifts to my children. I enjoy the feeling I get when I see them open their gifts and celebrate what they just received. Don’t just be a receiver; Be an amazing giver, and your life will be truly amazing.


4. Personal accountability and discipline is vital to success in any endeavor.

Do you have a budget? Do you log your spending? Are you proactive as to how you spend your time? How do you treat others? Jesus once said: “For this purpose I have been sent”. He was accountable to His purpose. Once you find your purpose, everything you say and do is accountable to your purpose. You must overcome the need and desire to be entertained to the exclusion of preparation and good health. Here are some disciplines that are needed today: prayer, study of the Word, exercise, good eating, reading great material, becoming an expert at something, serving others, financial disciplines. Your income will be based on your ability to be an asset in your place of employment. Don’t be like everyone else. Most only do just enough to not get fired. Become the one that has the answers. Ask your supervisor what needs to get done, and proceed to get it done. Find out the company’s vision statement and history. Take any needed courses to become a vital resource in your chosen profession. Whether you see it or not, your supervisors are always looking, and they will notice your growth as an individual, and when it comes time to get promoted, get ready because you will be considered. And if they don’t take notice, another door will open and you will be able to walk right in because you did what it took to go to the next level.


As you add, include and practice these four principles in your daily life, you will notice that you will become more focused, and you will begin to accomplish things that you never though you would be able to accomplish.


Applying wisdom to everyday life for extraordinary results,


Victor Nazario