Are you walking in love?

Paul challenged the Christians of his day to watch their walk in God. A Christian’s walk should match their words. Paul beseeched (implored, begged) them to walk worthy of their calling. This was very serious to Paul. Part of our evangelism is to walk out the gospel (good news) wherever we go, so that people could see Jesus in and through us. He went on to say: with all lowliness and gentleness….. We see so many Christians walking with hostility and offense against each other. Too many have no patience or longsuffering. These are works of the flesh. If we are not walking in love, the only other option is to walk in the flesh. That is where one will see hate, offense, bitterness, pride, arrogance, vengeance etc. God’s word clearly teaches us to walk in love. Always remember: God is love!

Ephesians 4:1 – I, therefore, the prisoner [a]of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love,


Los ángeles te guardaran en todos tus caminos

En 2 casos en el libro de Hechos, las Escrituras comparten que Dios envió ángeles para entregar y proteger a su pueblo. Cuando el enemigo vino a arrestar al profeta Eliseo, los ángeles rodearon su hogar para protegerlo. En Mateo 26:53, Jesús dice esto acerca de la capacidad del Padre para protegerlo: “¿O crees que ahora no puedo orar a Mi Padre, y Él me proporcionará más de doce legiones de ángeles”? Vivimos en un mundo donde hay mucha violencia, pero recuerda que Dios es tu protector. Dale gracias a Dios todos los días por su protección divina sobre tu vida y tu familia. Ya sea que los veas o no, Dios ha enviado ángeles para protegerte, así que agradece al Padre por estos preciosos ministros de protección.

Salmos 91:7, 8 – Mil pueden caer a tu lado, y diez mil a tu derecha; Pero no se acercará a ti. Solo con tus ojos mirarás, y ve la recompensa de los malvados.