¡La vida del justo deja un legado duradero!

Proverbios 10:30 dice: Los justos nunca serán eliminados, pero los malvados no habitarán en la tierra. Hay muchos que han pensado que todo el tiempo que han invertido en vivir para Dios y siempre haciendo lo correcto no ha marcado una diferencia real en sus vidas. Miran cómo prosperan los malvados, y creen que han perdido su tiempo. Sin embargo, si mira el final de la vida de la persona malvada, puede ver que su “éxito” efímero realmente fue una pérdida de tiempo. Puedes ver cómo los malvados siempre se preocuparon por perder sus riquezas, su estatus, su influencia, entre otras cosas. Siempre están estresados por las cosas. Al final, los malvados son eliminados, y su legado es destruido. Sin embargo, los justos y su legado permanecen y se celebran al final. Dios honra el hecho de que estás viviendo para Él, y que estás haciendo las cosas correctas. Él ve tus acciones. Deja que todos te critiquen ahora., y al final, serás el único que estará de pie y celebrando!

Come close to God and He will come close to you!

God is so gracious and loving that He invites us all to the table of relationship with Him. Jeremiah 29: 13 says: “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” This is a powerful truth. God is not hiding. He will make Himself available to anyone who truly desires to find Him. Think about it, if you want friends, don’t you have to seek them? People won’t just show up at your door and tell you they are your friends. We have to get out of our comfort zones and get out to meet people. Why is it then that so many think that they are entitled to have God’s presence any time they want without first cultivating a relationship with Him? How would you feel if a stranger walked up to you and demanded that you take them out to dinner? You would think that they are crazy, wouldn’t you? Yet, that is what many do to God. They never speak to Him, worship Him, nor even thank Him. But when they “need” Him, then they demand that He show up and take care of them. That is not the way healthy relationships work. If you seek Him, you will find Him. If you come close to God, God guarantees that He will come close to you. Selah!

James 4:8 “Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you”