Tomando precauciones es prudente!

Prever algo es ver o saber algo de antemano. Es anticipar efectivamente algo. Esto viene de la experiencia y el discernimiento. Cuando era niña, mi madre me dijo que no tocara la plancha caliente. Lo toqué. Ahora puedo prever que si toco una plancha caliente, me quemaré. Proverbios 27:12 dice: “Una persona prudente prevé el peligro y toma precauciones. El simplón sigue ciegamente y sufre las consecuencias”. Me preocupo mucho por las personas cuando toman decisiones apresuradas, especialmente cuando la decisión puede perjudicarles a ellos o a otros. Cuántas veces he escuchado a alguien que me dice: “Desearía no haber tomado esa decisión tan rápidamente”. Se prudente; tómese un tiempo para hacer una investigación antes de comprar algo. Investigue ese producto o servicio un poco más antes de comprarlo. Conosca alguien mejor antes de entrar en una relación. En el futuro, decida en no ser un simplón. En cambio sé prudente. ¡Tu futuro depende de ello!

Proverbios 27:12 “Una persona prudente prevé el peligro y toma precauciones. El simplón va ciego y sufre las consecuencias”

People will know that we are real if we have this!

I love you! We hear this phrase in so many settings. I can love my spouse. I can love my car. I can love my dog. Is it all the same thing? In its purest form, love is an overwhelming feeling, and a solid commitment. True love is not just a statement. As an example, when a singer comes to town and sings before a live audience, they might say to the audience, “I love you all.” But in reality, they don’t even know the majority of people that are there. It’s just a nice thing to say. True love is different. In John 13: 34-35, Jesus gave the disciples “a new commandment.” The commandment was “to love one another, as He had loved them.” That takes love to another level. Jesus loved us so much that He died for us all. Jesus left came to deliver us from sin and destruction. In Ephesians 5: 25 – 27 describes how Jesus sanctifies and cleanses us with His word. He will present us spotless before the Father in that precious day. That is true love. The question then is: Are we loving each other as Jesus loved us? Are we speaking words that cleanse and encourage each other? Are we dying to self so that others can live? Are we protecting each other, or are we backbiting and gossiping against one another? Are we bringing people closer to God with our lives, or are we pushing them away? Something to ponder  today.

John 13: 34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another”