¡Recuerde hoy esta importante verdad!

Hoy, recuerda que Dios creó los cielos y la tierra, y Él tiene el control del universo, los planetas, el mundo, los mares, las montañas, los animales y todo aquello de lo que dependemos y disfrutamos. No necesita nuestra ayuda para hacer esto. Él es Dios por sí mismo. Y como Él es Dios, también puede suplir todas tus necesidades conforme a Sus riquezas en gloria (Filipenses 4:19). Así que hoy recuerda que no tienes que temer, estresarte ni preocuparte. ¡Estad quietos y sabed que Él es Dios!

Salmos 46:10 “Estad quietos y sabed que yo soy Dios”

Are you being responsible for what God placed in your hands?

In Proverbs 27:23, the Proverbist reminds us of this powerful principle: “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.” This is a powerful principle of success, but it is also a stark reminder that we are responsible for what God places in our hands, and for the people that God places in our care. Do you make a daily effort to know the condition of the people and things that you are responsible for, or are you so busy being “busy” that you don’t have time to assess your ministry, family, work, and the state of your friendships? There is a parable about a lord who gave talents to three of His employees. He told them that he would be gone for a while, but he would return to see what they did with his talents. When he returned, he demanded a report from all three. The first two multiplied the talents and gave them back to the lord, and of course, the lord was pleased with them. The third however, refused to multiply the one talent that the lord had placed in his care. The lord was angered that his employee refused to take responsibility for what was placed in his hands. He called him wicked and lazy! He was held accountable for what the lord had placed in his care. Today, the Lord reminds us that He holds us accountable for what He placed in our care. Are you being a “good and faithful” servant, or a wicked and lazy servant? Something to ponder on.

Proverbs 27:23 “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds”