Nunca se olvide que este tesoro esta contenido en vasijas de barro!

Muchas personas hoy en día se jactan de grandes cosas y, de hecho, creen que son mejores que otras, pero son simplemente seres humanos frágiles, engañados y descarriados. Somos como la hierba, que está aquí hoy, y mañana desvanece. El Apóstol Pablo sabia de que aunque Dios lo usaba poderosamente, era Dios quien obró poderosamente a través de él. El poder vino de Dios, no de él. El orgullo es un pecado principal. El orgullo convirtió el arcángel lucifer al diablo. Si uno no es cuidadoso, el orgullo puede destruir el propósito y el destino. Nuestro gozo debe ser que “Cristo en nosotros” brille en todas nuestras acciones. Nuestro mayor deseo debe ser traerle gloria a Dios en todas nuestras acciones y no esforzarnos por construir monumentos para nosotros mismos. Al final de nuestras vidas, lo único que durará es lo que hicimos por Jesús. Todas las acciones orgullosas se lo llevara el viento. Ellos serán olvidados. Pero lo que hagamos por Dios perdurará por generaciones.

2 Corintios 4: 7 (NKJV) “Pero tenemos este tesoro en vasijas de barro, para que la excelencia del poder sea de Dios y no de nosotros”

2 Corintios 4: 7 (NTV) “Ahora tenemos esta luz brillando en nuestros corazones, pero nosotros mismos somos como vasijas de barro frágiles que contienen este gran tesoro. Esto deja claro que nuestro gran poder proviene de Dios, no de nosotros mismos”

As they increased, so did the criticisms and discontent!

We all want to prosper and increase. We want to do better. We want promotions so that we can make more money to take care of our families. As humans, we appreciate being recognized for our actions and accomplishments. However, most people do not like the issues, problems, side effects and reactions that occur as we increase, get promoted, advance, gain greater influence, etc. Someone once told me “greater levels, greater devils.” He meant that when you grow in influence, the attacks and challenges will also increase. A good example is found in Acts 6:1: “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food”. Notice how in the midst of a young, growing, Spirit-filled church, complaints and discontent arose. This happens everywhere where growing numbers of people exist. This even happened in Moses’ day. There were rumblings of discontent and complaints. As long as you are working with people, get used to the idea that you will hear complaints and rumblings of discontent. The issue isn’t whether or not you’re going to get complaints, the issue is how you respond to the complaints. Moses allowed the people to get him angry, and in his anger he responded in a way that displeased the Lord. Because of that, he could not enter into the promised land. Conversely, when the Apostles heard about the complaints, they worked with the congregation to address the issues at hand, and they continued to focus on their ministry. Has your focus been distracted by the complaints and criticisms of those around you? Remember, what you focus on expands and grows in influence. Today, determine to focus on the right thing. It can be the difference between true success, or disappointment and failure.

Acts 6:1 “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food”