El hizo posible que venciéramos!

¿Eres un vencedor? Juan 16:33 dice: “Estas cosas os he hablado, para que en mí tengáis paz. En el mundo tendréis tribulación; mas tened ánimo, yo he vencido al mundo”. Ser un vencedor significa que has superado algo. Has estado en una batalla o en desventaja, pero has encontrado una manera de superar. El apóstol Juan enseñó acerca de cómo Dios en Cristo nos hace vencer. ¡En Él, somos vencedores!

1 Juan 2:14 -Os he escrito a vosotros, padres, porque habéis conocido al que es desde el principio. Os he escrito a vosotros, jóvenes, porque sois fuertes
y la palabra de Dios permanece en vosotros, y habéis vencido al maligno.

1 Juan 4: 4 – Hijitos, vosotros sois de Dios y los habéis vencido, porque mayor es el que está en vosotros que el que está en el mundo.

1 Juan 5: 4 – Porque todo lo que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo; y ésta es la victoria que ha vencido al mundo, nuestra fe.

1 Juan 5: 5 – ¿Quién es el que vence al mundo, sino el que cree que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios?

El Señor Jesús hizo posible que venciéramos. Así que una vez más te pregunto, ¿eres un vencedor?

How can one walk in “perfect peace?”

If you ask most people if they desire peace in their lives, they will tell you yes, they would definitely appreciate more peace in their lives. The Prophet Isaiah gave us the way to ensure perfect peace in our lives (Isaiah 26:3). For all those who take time to prioritize inviting God’s Presence into their lives, God will keep them in “perfect peace.” God’s Presence is our perfect atmosphere. In the same way that we need air to live, we also need God’s Presence in order to be in perfect peace. It’s not realistic to ask God to remove all of the problems, issues, challenges and problematic people from our lives. What we need is His peace in the midst of our daily challenges. The Lord Jesus slept in a boat that was in the midst of a storm. The disciples who were with Jesus in the boat  thought they they were going to die because of the storm, yet Jesus was sleeping in the very same storm. What was the difference? The difference was that Jesus is the Living Word, and He had promised them that they would get to the other side. They had “The Word” with them.  They were in the midst of the presence of the Lord Jesus. While they were with Him, nothing would happen to them. However,  they were focusing on their problems instead of the fact that Jesus was present with them. Had they focused on Jesus (The Word; His promises), they would have been in perfect peace. Determine today to shift your focus from your problems to daily cultivating an atmosphere around you where His Presence can dwell. It is then that you will be kept in perfect peace!

Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”