During those difficult moments, remember that the Lord is holding your hand!

I’ll never forget the joy of holding my children’s hands as we walked. I had to slow down to their speed, and I had to help them because sometimes they would slip. They would have fallen if I wasn’t holding their hand. They were happy and confident because they were holding Daddy’s hand, and Daddy was thrilled to be able to walk with them. In the same way, our precious Heavenly Father holds us up in the midst of the many perils that we experience during our journey. Psalm 37: 23,24 says: “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand”. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father is walking with me and He upholds me with His hand. Even when I stumble, He doesn’t let me fall. Be reminded today that your Heavenly Father is journeying together with you. Even though you might stumble, He’s got you! His glorious hand is there, steadying and upholding you. You are not alone. He will help you to get to the finished line!

¡Durante esos momentos difíciles, recuerda que el Señor te toma de la mano!

Nunca olvidaré la alegría de tomar las manos de mis hijos mientras caminábamos. Tuve que reducir mi velocidad a su velocidad, y tuve que ayudarlos porque a veces resbalaban. Se habrían caído si no lo hubiera tomado de la mano. Estaban contentos y confiados porque estaban sosteniendo por la mano de papá, y papá estaba encantado de poder caminar con ellos. De la misma manera, nuestro precioso Padre Celestial nos sostiene en medio de los muchos peligros que experimentamos durante nuestra vida. El Salmo 37: 23,24 dice: “El Señor hace firmes los pasos del que se deleita en él; aunque tropiece, no caerá, porque el Señor lo sostiene con su mano”. Estoy muy agradecido de que mi Padre Celestial esté caminando conmigo y me sostenga con Su mano. Incluso cuando tropiezo, Él no me deja caer. Recuerda hoy que tu Padre Celestial está viajando contigo. Aunque puedas tropezar, ¡Él esta a tu lado! Su gloriosa mano está allí sosteniéndote. No estas solo. ¡Él te ayudará a llegar a la línea final!