Be careful what you are focusing on!

We all focus on something, however, What you focus on increases, and what you ignore loses power and influence in your life. Focus comes from the greek word “Aphorao” which means:  “to concentrate your gaze upon’. The English word focus means: directed attention; a point of concentration; a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding. Jesus focused his actions and energies on His mission. Paul focused his efforts on pressing toward the mark of the high call of God on his life. One of the enemy’s primary goals is to take us out of our focus, because when a person is not focused, they misuse or abuse their time and energies, thus they do not produce anything of value. They squander their potential. Focus is your friend. Focus will keep you on the right track. It will remind you where to invest and spend your limited energy. Focus turns on the creative portion of your brain that will allow you to begin to see the things you need to do or acquire. So I ask you today, what are you focusing on?

1 John 2:4 “Whoever says, “I have come to know Him,” but does not habitually keep [focused on His precepts and obey] His commandments (teachings), is a liar, and the truth [of the divine word] is not in him”

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