Be of good comfort!

God’s Presence brings comfort, joy, confidence and courage. There is a verse in Bartimaeus’ experience that speaks to us all. God’s presence releases comfort, joy, and courage. Let’s look at Mark 10:49 in 3 versions
Mark 10:49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him (Barimaeus) to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. KJV . In the NIV it says: “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” And in the NASU, it says: “Take courage, stand up! He is calling for you.”
How interesting and powerful! 3 versions describe a word in 3 different ways: courage, good cheer, good comfort. That word is the Greek word Tharseo.
Strongs 2293 Tharseo (Gr) – To have courage; To have confidence; Be of good cheer; To be of good comfort
When God’s word is released, He also releases the power for one to be confident in their situation or circumstance. The Presence of our Lord brings: comfort, joy, confidence and courage.
The Lord says to us today: Be of good comfort, cheer up, take courage, be confident, I am calling you.


5 Replies to “Be of good comfort!”

  1. I am starting to get my courage out, it is very hard. But I am trying. I ask God everyday for that.

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