As we gather during these holidays, remember this…

As we gather during these holidays, we will see people we normally do not see throughout the year. When we converse with them, we say things like: “We should meet like this more often;” or, “I haven’t seen you in ages,” and other comments like that.

It’s really unfortunate that we allow work, “busyness,” projects, and other things to get in the way of important relationships. I have noticed that even families complain about the lack of relationship time.

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You had better read these instructions!

You see this warning on boxes of un-built furniture, toys which need assembly, electrical appliances which are brand new, etc. There is a very clear reason why you need to read the directions and instructions. IF you don’t do so, you are liable to misuse or abuse the item you just purchased. Instead of it being a help and blessing in the home it can become a problem, or in severe cases can even cause death. A good example is an item in a plastic bag. The manufacturer warns you to keep the plastic bag away from children, because if used improperly it can cause suffocation. Yet if used properly, it protects the new item wonderfully.

I remember the old Chevy Nova I once owned. It was a good, sturdy car. I had it for a couple of years when it started giving me engine trouble. It got so bad that the car started acting erratic, going fast, then slow, until it came to a sudden stop. I had it towed to my mechanic. After a thorough inspection the mechanic told me, “You know, Victor, this car would run better if you would put oil in it once in a while!” I don’t need to tell you how embarrassed I was. Luckily I didn’t burn out the engine. He put some oil in the car, and it suddenly came back to life! I had misused the car because of my lack of knowledge. I would have known the importance of checking the oil consistently if I had simply read up on cars.

The same is true about ourselves. The Word of God tells us that we perish for a lack of knowledge of His Word. Paul commands us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. The psalmist tells us that God’s Word brings light and understanding.

Some of us are acting erratically, frustrated, fearful, etc. Some may feel they have no hope in the future. Could it be that you’re not reading the instructions and directions of our manufacturer? Remember, what you don’t understand you’ll eventually abuse or misuse. I’m happy to tell you that the instructions to our lives, futures, and destinies, are contained in the Scriptures. Pick it up, read the directions, and watch how you come back to life!


Applying wisdom to everyday life for extraordinary results,


Victor Nazario
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