Would God be pleased with your actions?

The Apostle Paul counsels us to not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. We therefore have a choice. We can be wise, or unwise. God has granted us this privilege and responsibility. Merriam Webster defines the wise as: marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment. The Proverbist wrote that a wise man fears and departs from evil (Proverbs 14:16).  Do your actions manifest a person who observes keen discernment, and a capacity for good judgment? Do you fear and depart from evil? Many today have no fear jumping into the quagmire of evil actions. They don’t even consider what God would think about their actions. They allow offense, gossip,  pride, hate, and other sins to cloud their walk with God. The wise refuse to allow any action without first meditating on the repercussions or benefits of  their actions. Are you operating with sound judgement, or do your actions manifest an absence of the same? Would God be pleased with your actions? Do not be unwise!

Ephesians 5:17 – Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.


Be careful how you live!

The Apostle Paul warned us to be careful as to how we live. This is extremely important because we represent the Lord Jesus among those who know us, ie: family, friends and co-workers. He counsels us to not live like fools, but like those who are wise. The definition of a fool according to Merriam Webster is: a person lacking in judgment or prudence. According to The Psalmist (Psalms 14:1),  a fool is one who says there is no God. Conversely Merriam Webster defines the wise as: marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment. the Proverbist wrote that A wise man fears and departs from evil (Proverbs 14:16). No wonder that he also wrote: A wise son makes a glad father, But a foolish son is the grief of his mother (Proverbs 10:1). Be careful how you live. Be careful regarding who you spend time with. Make the most of your day by applying God’s counsel to your life. Live with understanding and discernment, and you will be pleasing to the Lord, and it will be a fountain of life to you (Proverbs 13:14).

Ephesians 5: 15 – 17 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.  Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.