You will celebrate in the presence of your enemies!

David had many enemies, and had experienced many battles. He saw over and over how the hand of God was upon him. Whether it was defeating Goliath, or enduring persistent persecution from King Saul, or even attempts at his thrown, David always saw how God would help him in every battle. He celebrated God’s faithfulness and declared in Psalms 23:5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” This brings forth a picture of one celebrating at a feasting table at the same time that their enemies are helplessly present watching them celebrate. He knew that “greater is He that is in him,” and the greater one was always present to help him in the midst of  all of his troubles! *


His Rod and Staff will comfort and console you.

In Psalms 23:4, David made reference to God’s rod and staff. It brought comfort to him and consoled him. The rod of a pastor was used to protect the sheep from any predators that would seek to harm them. The pastor’s staff would gently direct and guide the sheep to green pastures and refreshing streams. Today, God wants to remind you that the Lord Jesus is your pastor, and as such, will always protect you from your enemies, and will guide you to divine provision and resources. You can depend on Jesus, our Chief Shepherd!

Psalms 23:4 (B) Ampl. – Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me.