What do you already have in your hand?

While Moses was concerned about his current situation, God told Moses “lift up your rod…” (Ex: 14:15). Moses was looking at his circumstances, yet he had that he needed all along right in his possession. He just needed revelation of what he already possessed. The Lord Jesus asked the disciples to feed the multitudes, but they didn’t believe that they had sufficient to do so (Matt: 14:17). Jesus then asked them what did they have in hand? Once they told Him that they only had 2 fish and 5 loaves, Jesus then showed them that they indeed had more than enough to feed the multitudes. Let me ask you….what do you have in your hands that God can use today?

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!El nivel de dolor que soportas hoy determinara tu nivel de éxito en el mañana!

Parte 2: Es en la iglesia donde aprendes a lidiar con heridas, ofensas y malentendidos, y eso será doloroso, pero muy beneficioso porque la vida tiene sus momentos difíciles, y todos nosotros tenemos que aprender a manejar el dolor. A medida que aprenda a lidiar con el dolor y la dificultad, Dios lo promoverá para que pueda enfrentar desafíos aún más difíciles. El ministerio no puede existir sin dolor. Su nivel de resistencia al dolor determinará su nivel de crecimiento y éxito en la vida y el ministerio, y todo esto se cultiva en la iglesia local.

www.victornazario.com * www.calvaryny.org

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