God always honors His Word!

Your Daily Inspiration

God will always confirm His word with signs and wonders following.  He won’t automatically honor our policies, desires, denominational issues, etc.  But His word which is settled in Heaven, that He will honor. Decide this day to study and memorize God’s word daily. Then begin to declare His word and promises over your life and family every day. God is pleased when we honor His word.

Mark 16:20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

www.victornazario.com * www.calvaryny.org

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Nunca te des por vencido: Mantente firme de pies!

Su Inspiracion Diaria

A veces uno tiene que superar situaciones. La pelea que estás atravesando solo puede ser vencida si no te rindes. El enemigo está tratando de debilitarte mentalmente e incluso físicamente. Llevar a cabo; Continuar parado ¡Tu avance está en camino!

Marcos 5: 27-28 Cuando ella oyó hablar de Jesús, ella vino detrás de Él entre la multitud y tocó Su manto. Porque ella dijo: “Si tan solo tocare su ropa, seré sanada”.

www.victornazario.com * www.calvaryny.org
