Do not give the enemy an opportunity to deceive you!

Here is a powerful revelation for today: “Nor give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27. We have authority in Christ to resist the enemy. However, he is a deceiver, and a slanderous one at that. That same verse in the TPT version of the Bible says: “Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!” The enemy, by use of accusations and deception, is always attempting to manipulate you into giving him an opportunity to lead you into sin, whether or not it is to get you into holding a grudge, nurturing anger, harboring resentment, or cultivating bitterness. If he can get you into any of those states, He can manipulate you and paralyze your faith. God reminds us today that we are not to give him any place or any opportunity in our lives. Live a live of love and forgiveness, and if something gets you angry, don’t keep it. Resolve your issues quickly and he won’t be able to manipulate or control you. After all, greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world! Read Ephesians 4:27 one more time in the Amplified version: ” And do not give the devil an opportunity [to lead you into sin by holding a grudge, or nurturing anger, or harboring resentment, or cultivating bitterness].

2 Replies to “Do not give the enemy an opportunity to deceive you!”

  1. 2 Cor 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for (because) we are not ignorant of his devices.” Thank God for the whole chapter of Ephesians 4. It is almost like the Holy Spirit through Paul writes one verse exhorting us what to do, and the next verse warning us what NOT to do, in order to live victoriously on this earth. Oh! The manifold wisdom and love of God which is in Christ Jesus. And the Father placed us IN HIM on purpose (1Cor1:30) to keep us safe, when we received Jesus as our Savior! Thank you Abba.

  2. Amen! We will not give the accuser a foothold! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for the daily encouragement in the Lord Apostle Nazario

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