Fathers, this is for you!

The Lord Jesus taught us that when we pray, we are to begin by saying, “Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed by Thy Name.”

Our Father is our source. He is loving and kind. When we mess up, He rebukes us so that we can return to the correct path. He has given us an eternal inheritance. He in invested in our lives and future, and has made provisions for both today and in eternity. Part of His love to us is that He has given us earthly fathers, both natural and spiritual that can also guide us to a better future. Fathers that can allow God to love us through them. They are imperfect, but with God’s help, they can be a reflection of Father God’s heart. To all fathers out there, both natural and spiritual, I celebrate you in this very special day.  Happy Father’s Day!

Romans 1:17 ((b) ….Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


4 Replies to “Fathers, this is for you!”

  1. Happy Father’s Day to my spiritual father PASTORVICTOR! Be blessed with health, wealth and success!

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