Gideon 300

I wanted to share something very important with you…

Click on the video or read below.

God told us that we would have a powerful, relevant, and effective internet church and outreach. He told us that thousands would join our internet church.

I have had this burning passion to begin this process of building this internet church. The first thing I had to do is to dedicate my energies and experience toward this enormous project. So after speaking with my wife, Pastor Gwendolyn, about this, we set a date for me to leave my secular position where I helped to manage a residential property in Manhattan so that I can have the time to begin taking the necessary steps.

After almost one year of preparation, I finally left my secular position this past April. Since then, I have been working with our director of the Audio/Visual (A/V) ministry to begin the internet ministry. I have put in countless hours to learn how to minister via social media. It’s been an interesting journey.

Here is what we have accomplished thus far:

  • I now put out a daily devotional in both English and Spanish.
  • We minister daily via Facebook.
  • I am creating 3-5 videos a week for the website.
  • We are beginning to minister via Zoom, which is a program that allows us to share live messages, seminars and webinars.
  • We will shortly begin weekly teaching/mentoring live videos.

I am receiving more and more testimonials on how the internet outreach is impacting people in different regions. And this is just the beginning.

I am grateful to God that He is allowing me this opportunity. His prophetic word to us is that we will minister to thousands via the internet ministry. Real faith takes God at His word and works with the word. I believe God’s promise to us. There are thousands who are waiting for this ministry, and it is time for us to reach out to them.

Now, here is what I want to ask you.

I have been ministering as a pastor now for 25 years. I have also had the privilege to work with the Promise Keepers, where I was the event manager of the 1996 Men’s event at Shea Stadium, where 45,000 fathers and their children came to be trained to be better fathers and husbands. I have also served as an assistant chaplain to the NY Yankees. I serve as an apostolic leader to various churches in our region. I am on the leadership council of Christ Covenant Coalition and the United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. I now bring my life experience to this new vision.

I need for you to consider partnering with me to really get this part of the ministry up and running. I am asking God for partners who I am calling the Gideon 300! These are Godly men and women who believe like me, that God can impact the lives of thousands as we obey God together to make this happen. This partnership will help to make sure we have all the cameras, internet equipment, programs, and salaries for those who are on the front lines.

As a partner,

  • You will help to “release me” to be able to dedicate myself to the steps needed to make this happen.
  • You will pray for me and the team on an ongoing basis.
  • You will share the videos, messages, and schedules with your network/family and friends.
  • You will have ongoing access to special times of training and mentorship.
  • You will have greatly reduced rates on all seminars, conferences and webinars.
  • You will get special reports from me, and get inside info on all upcoming events/meetings.
  • You will be an active part of something that God declares is needed and vital at this time.
  • I am asking for a monthly $20 or more donation for the ongoing support of this ministry outreach.

Will you join me?

Will you join me, and partner with me to reach the thousands that God has told us to reach? Together, there is nothing that we cannot do.

All donations are tax-deductible, but more importantly, will be used to make this vision a powerful reality.

Please tell me that you will partner with me by clicking the button below and committing together with me to see this come to pass!

Your pastor and co-laborer,

Victor Nazario
(718) 829-5306