God has supercharged you to overcome!

One of the many reasons that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit is that we need supernatural strength for our journey. There will be many times where circumstances, trials and tribulations will come and deplete us of our joy and strength. That is when we need to tap into the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit Who dwells within us. There is unlimited power for us each and every day! Colossians 1:11 says: “Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy”. Don’t allow the enemy to deceive you into thinking that you are all alone. God’s Holy Spirit is with you and will provide you will all the strength, wisdom, strategy, and joy to overcome any attack of the enemy! His Grace is sufficient and His faithfulness is consistent. Be encouraged today. Holy Spirit is right there with you. No weapon formed against you will prosper! You are more than an overcomer through Christ Who loves you and gave His life for you!

6 Replies to “God has supercharged you to overcome!”

  1. Hallelujah !!! Thank you Apostle for your daily WORD! I’m am more and more SUPERCHARGED every day with your Daily inspirational’s and Minster Julio’s inspirational’s. God Bless you both, in Jesus name!!!! AMEN!

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