God showers His favor on them!

Students need to be available to be where their teachers or mentors are. They need to prioritize their time to be accessible to them. In the same way, we need to submit our schedules to our Master Teacher and Mentor, the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to follow Him and His will for us. The Heavenly Father honors those who willingly do this with all of their hearts. He will shower His favor upon those who follow the Lord Jesus. A true student will be where their teacher is, and a true disciple will follow the Lord Jesus! 

John 12:26 “If you want to be my disciple, follow me and you will go where I am going. And if you truly follow me as my disciple, the Father will shower his favor upon your life”

One Reply to “God showers His favor on them!”

  1. AMEN!!! Yes Master, I want to go wherever You go! Thank you Lord for the excellent teachers and mentors you have put in our path, but no one will ever compare to “You” God! Thank you for Your Holy Spirit to teach, lead and guide us into all truth testifying of the Lord Jesus! Thank you Apostle Nazario for this great reminder!

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