Ecclesiastes 7:12 says: “For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it”. I had never realized that wisdom is part of our weapons of warfare. Yet, the Proverbist declares that the words of the wise are a defense. Your words and wisdom can be a weapon against the problems and challenges of life. Did you catch that? Wisdom is a defense. The more of God’s wisdom you have in your mind and spirit, the more defense potential you have in this life. Proverbs 24:6 says: “For by wise counsel (wisdom) you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” Challenges will always be present, but with God’s defense weapon, wisdom, you will always be able to overcome any issue and obstacle. This is another reason that we must study the word of God DAILY. His word is a DEFENSE!
Amen thank you Lord that Your word is a “defense”! Wow, thank you man of God for this! I thank God for all He continues to do in you and Pastor Gwen’s life!!! God bless you richly! 💜🙏🏽
Amen 🙏. Praise the Lord.
Yes is a defense, Amen