Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, how grateful and thankful I am to the Lord because he is so good. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord who is above all lords” Ps 7:17( TLB)

Are we grateful for what we have around us, or have we gotten used to complaining about what we don’t have, like so many people around us who are always complaining?

Are we grateful for the people around us, since they have what we lack?

God made humans in such a way that we cannot do everything nor be everywhere at the same time. Yet, if we learn the secret that what we lack has already been placed in someone around us, we will learn to appreciate those around us.

There were times in the past where I would have such trouble trying to do something or think about an idea that could help me with some problem, then someone would come and say oh that is easy, and proceed to take care of it or share an idea with me that would very easily solve the problem.

I would thank them but internally I would get very frustrated with myself because I couldn’t see it at the time. Now I just appreciate those around me who can see what I can’t, or can do what I cannot do.

If I fail to be grateful for those around me, I will miss out on the hidden gifts that reside in them. God connected them to me so that they can be a blessing to me and my family and vice-versa.

Are we grateful for the opportunities that come to us every day?

When I decide to be grateful for what I already have around me, I can then see what I lack and connect myself with the very thing that I need. If I need groceries, I go to the store. If I need wisdom, I connect myself to God’s word and the mentors God has placed in my life.

It’s amazing to me how Christ was present on the earth, yet the very teachers of the Bible couldn’t see the one they had been teaching about all their careers. Even Saul of Tarsus didn’t know who was speaking to him when he told Jesus, “Who are thou Lord?”

Are we grateful that God loves us, or are we not aware that He does?

Love is the great healer. Love is the great restorer. Love was present as the Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross. Love is present with you right now. Love will never leave you nor forsake you. God is Love!

Are we grateful for what God has provided for us in Christ?

Remember, whatever we recognize and appreciate, we attract to ourselves.

God is our Lord, King, Savior, Creator, Healer, Provider, Sanctifier, Redeemer, Protector, Shepherd, Chief Bishop and Apostle.

Have we appropriated that which he has availed to us?

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s take a fresh look at what we are thankful for, especially for what God has done and continues to do for and through us.

11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.  12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.  13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”. John 15:11-14 (NKJV)

May you and your family enjoy this precious holiday in good health, peace and joy, and may God’s wonderful presence be with you all!

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