Happy Thanksgiving!

Hebrews 13:15Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” 

Here is the United States, we take out this day to give thanks. It’s left up to each person to decide what they are thankful for. Many others aren’t thankful for anything. The above verse reminds us to be thankful to God for all He has done and continues to do for us all. It’s not a one day ritual or celebration. It’s a daily appreciation and gratitude. The Apostle reminds us to offer the sacrifice of praise continually. Continually means on an ongoing basis. There is a relational aspect to that. There is also a discipline aspect to that. It’s also a fruit. Our lifestyle of being thankful and grateful can grow because it is fruit. Fruit grows and matures as one prioritizes their sacrifices of praise. 

As you gather with your friends and family members, take out a moment to thank God for all the things that one normally takes for granted. And as you thank and praise God on this day, allow this action of thanks to overflow into the next day, the next month, and from now on. 

May you and your loved ones have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Day!

2 Replies to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. Amen! Thank you apostle Nazario! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! So thankful for the breath of life today and all that Jesus has done for us! Thankful and grateful for my family and my loved ones along with our CF
    CF family!

  2. Amen 😇
    I second that, Deacon Celeste.

    I’m thankful and grateful for our Lord and Savior, Pastor Victor and Pastor Gwen and my CCF family.

    Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day and everyday.

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