He considers you His partner!

Did you know that God considers you His co-worker and partner in redemption? 1 Corinthians 3:9 (TPT) says: “We are coworkers with God and you are God’s cultivated garden, the house he is building.” Not only did He redeem us and deliver us from the power of darkness, He also gives us the privilege to partner with Him to help others to also be delivered and set free. This is why we must realize and understand the power of prayer and sharing the gospel with others. God gave us the authority to preach and disciple. This was not given to the angels. When He created man, He gave him authority in the earth realm to be his steward on this earth. When God speaks something out of His mouth, it becomes law in heaven and earth. He also submits to the very commands that He declares. so when He desires to move on earth, He partners with the very creation that He gave authority to, namely mankind. 2 Corinthians 6: 1 (ICB) says: “We are workers together with God.” From this moment on, understand the authority you walk in, and share with everyone God’s love and grace. He trusts us to reveal his love to this confused world!

1 Corinthians 3:9 (TPT) says: “We are coworkers with God and you are God’s cultivated garden, the house he is building.”

4 Replies to “He considers you His partner!”

  1. God speaks to us through the godly counsel of other believers. Sometimes we need the help of other Christians to know what to do in areas we’re unaccustomed with. This is why Scripture admonishes us to teach one another with love, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (1 Tim. 1:5).  Thank you pastor. Amen

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