He covers us. We are secure in Him!

Psalms 91:4 (NLT) “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection”

In Psalms 91:4, King David used the analogy of a mother bird protecting her little ones by covering them with her wings. It shows the tender love and care that God has for His people. There is also a sense of divine protection so that when the enemy comes our way, he cannot penetrate God’s divine protection. He adds that God’s faithful promises are as armor and protection. It is amazing to consider that when we believe God’s word, and meditate on it, His word guards our minds, our hearts, our path, our journey, our purpose and our destiny. Next time you see a mother bird taking care of her little ones, remember the love and care that Father God has for us! Also, next time you see a soldier in full battle gear, remember that God’s faithful promises are as the full armor of a well-protected soldier!


Thank you Heavenly Father, that You cover me with your feathers and under your wings I am secure. Your faithful promises are the armor and protection that I need against any and all enemy attacks. Thank You that I can navigate through this day with confidence and boldness that I am covered by You and that You give me wisdom and discernment in my daily walk. I am secure in you! In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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