The Lord Jesus taught us the perfect model for prayer. He shared various principles which are embedded in the Lord’s Prayer. The first principle is that we can pray with confidence, because we are praying to Our Father. He is a perfect and faithful Father. He is a model for all fathers. He loves His children. He cares for His children. He listens to His children. He provides for His children. He protects His children. He responds to HIs children. He gives His children a Godly destiny and purpose. He never leaves nor forsakes His children. He corrects His children. He places us in His family and gives us an inheritance. We can trust our Heavenly Father. Our prayers have power and authority because we are His children, and He hears the prayers of His children!
Matthew 6:9 “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name”
AMÉN! Thank you Pastor for reminding us of the beautiful ways that our Heavenly Father demonstrates His Excellent Fatherhood. How can a Just and Perfect God pour out such blessings on sinful man? On the righteous foundation of the work of His Son – The Sinless Son of God, voluntarily became a Man, and received the punishment for the sins of all mankind, on the Cross at Calvary’s hill, as our Substitute. And His Perfect Blood forever cries out “Redeemed!” about all who receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Our Father inclines His Ear to our prayers because of Jesus! Praise the Lord. Thank You Jesus for Your Sacrifice.
AMEN! Thank you Father for who You are amd all You do! You are an AMAZING FATHER! Thank you for Your love, grace, mercy and long suffering💖. Thank you for this Apostle Nazario! God bless you, Pastor Gwen and your beautiful family! 💜
Yes he is a perfect father. Thank you for being there for me. Amen