His word gives life!

Part 2: A man who trusts in the Lord is like a tree, planted by the rivers of water. Water in the scripture is used as a symbol for the word of God.  Water cleanses, water washes,  water nourishes, water gives life. In the same way, the word of God does the same thing for us spiritually. Our soul is nourished and cleansed by the word if God. The word gives us life! Be like that tree and root yourself right by the living and written word. You will be able to bear great fruit to the Father.

Psalms 1:3 (a) He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water,…..

4 Replies to “His word gives life!”

  1. Water also washes and cleanses. Even if it takes more than one wash. Getting into the word will consistently is like getting out a r bad stain. We won’t always get it out on the first try. Eventually over time we will overcome though. Being rooted Is like having a good detergent that leaves you smelling good and your clothes feeling someppft. You just have to apply it. The more you apply the better a chance of you getting that stain out. The more you know your word and fallow it the more fruit you will bare.

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