How are you treating others?

There is a powerful principle in the scriptures that most of us either have missed, or do not know. It is found in Luke 6:31 (NET). Jesus said: “Treat others in the same way that you would want them to treat you.” Read this short verse various times and then ask yourself “how do you treat others?” Read this question again: “How do you treat others?” This is vital because how you treat others determines how others will treat you. If you read Luke 6, from verses 31 to 35, you’ll see that when we treat people kindly and with love, God will reward you because He Himself is kind and loving. So today, do a self-inspection, and make sure that you are treating others just like Jesus does. There is a great reward for that!

Luke 6:31 (NET) “Treat others in the same way that you would want them to treat you”

One Reply to “How are you treating others?”

  1. Praise God! Our Heavenly Father is loving, kind, merciful , patient, etc. and expects the same from us 💕🙏🏽. Thank you so much apostle! This is so important for all of us!!!

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