I am amazed at how easily people give advice

There seems to be a glut of good advice these days. I’ll be honest with you; I don’t listen to most of this advice anymore. People can only advise you in relation to where they find themselves.

You’ll find that when you decide to follow after the dream or vision that God has given you or connected you with, people will be very willing to give you much advice. The problem is that most of this advice will be negative. It just might stop you dead in your tracks.

I remember when I left my first real job to pursue a career in a totally different field, I immediately received the advice to “be very careful. If you shoot too high, you might fail and fall hard.”

Thank God I didn’t heed this advice. I was able to successfully transition into this new career and enjoy the fruit of this change.

Fred Smith was a college student who also had a desire to succeed, and he also had a plan. He even wrote out the details for a project at Yale University. His professor however, gave him a “C” grade saying, “the concept is interesting and well formed, but in order to earn better than a “C” grade, the idea must be feasible.”

Fred would not let this negative opinion deter him. He started his dream company anyway. It is named Federal Express!

Remember Proverbs 13:20 – “He who walks with wise men shall be wise.”


Applying wisdom to everyday life for extraordinary results,


Victor Nazario


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