Today, we can clearly see what sin, delusion and deception has created in our society. Good has become bad, and bad has become good. Several years ago I discussed with various people the dangers of people demanding legalizing rights that went contrary to scriptural, righteous living and lifestyles. It’s a slippery slope. Once they get one right legalized, then the next group demands their rights. This has happened over and over, until we no longer recognize our nation. The Lord Jesus taught that if one hears and does what His word teaches, it like building one’s house on the rock (Matthew 7: 24-28). Conversely, if one doesn’t hear and do what His word teaches, it’s like building one’s house on the sand. This nation has been building its future on sand. The more this nation gets away from God’s word and principles, the more certain that the house will eventually fall under the weight of its own sin and pride. It is now more important than ever to build one’s own house/life/ministry on scriptural truths and principles. The Lord Jesus knows who is building on rock and who is building on sand. Make sure you and your family are building on rock. Storms are coming, and only those houses that are built on rock will remain standing after the storm is over. Selah!
Matthew 7: 24-25 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock”