In Christ, our salvation is complete and guaranteed!

Psalm 91:13 “You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.” 

This verse speaks of two different kinds of dangers that exist in the natural realm. It’s interesting that the writer of Psalm 91 uses the metaphor “treading upon,” an action that proclaimed complete victory over one’s enemies. When a nation defeated another nation, the conquering army would sometimes publicly place their feet upon the neck of the defeated leaders, thus confirming to all who were observing that the defeat was complete and final. The verse goes on to say that we would “tread” upon the lion and the cobra. The term “lion” signifies any strong, fierce and violent foe. The “young lion” was any lion in the season of their greatest strength and agility. The term cobra (in the margin it refers to an adder or viper) was used of dangerous, poisonous snakes. God declares that we would be safe even among these most fearful dangers. Not only are we protected, we are also completely victorious because of the complete and utter victory of Christ on the cross. He defeated death, hell and the grave. Even in the midst of the most fearsome and ominous attacks and challenges, we need not be fearful because the Lord Jesus has already defeated that old serpent. In Christ, our salvation is complete and guaranteed!

1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”

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