Is it possible to avoid these temptations?

Yesterday, I shared Matthew 6:13 from the Message Bible, Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge!” We realize that the devil tempts us in many ways, but our fleshly desires and wants also tempt us on an ongoing basis. The Apostle Paul instructed us to put off the old man (deceitful lusts), and put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4: 22-24). Also, in verses 25-32, He  counsels us to:

  • Speak truth to each other. This will keep us honest and righteous,
  • Do not allow anger to control you. Control it or it can destroy you,
  • Make sure you do not give place in your heart to the devil. Reserve the throne of your heart to the Holy Spirit,
  • Do not steal from anyone. Work honorably with your hands, knowledge and experience,
  • Refuse to allow any corrupt words to come out of your mouth. Instead, encourage those around you,
  • Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. If you blow it, ask Him for forgiveness right away, and stop that which can grieve Him,
  • Reject any root of bitterness because of any potential offense. Walk in love and forgiveness every day.

Watching these areas every day will keep your from yielding to temptation, and will keep your spirit and soul ready to receive wisdom and strength from Holy Spirit every day.

Matthew 6:13 (TLT) –  Don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one

13 Replies to “Is it possible to avoid these temptations?”

  1. Good morning Pastor, You said.
    Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. If you blow it, ask Him for forgiveness right away, and stop that which can grieve Him. What does this mean? I’m a little confused as to what this means because we grieve when we lose someone or something so does the spirit leave us if we slip up? Or does the spirit grieve us when we slip up?

    1. Hi Judith. That is a great question: The word grieve has various definitions.suffer grief. One meaning is mourn, lament, sorrow, be sorrowful. That is when you mourn for someone.
      Another definition for grieve is: cause great distress to someone. For example:”what grieves you, my son?”
      When the Holt Spirit is grieved, we are causing distress to Him. This is why it is important to ask for forgiveness when we cause distress to the Holy Spirit. I hope this helps. Blessings.

  2. Pastor, great truth you are speaking. A word for today’s crying world. May the lord continue to keep you and your family in his mercy & grace.
    Love Dan & Julie Aponte

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