Jesus is the Good Shepherd!

King David had an amazing revelation of God’s love and provision. In Psalms 23, he describes God’s love and provision through the eyes of a sheep. The Lord is my Shepherd! Since he was also a shepherd, he knew what it took to make sure the sheep were always happy and taken care of. He said: The Lord is my shepherd;  I have all that I need. He realized that God was His provider, and that he was secure since God is his Shepherd. Paul said that all of our needs are met, according to His riches in glory! If you are struggling today, remember that the Lord is your Shepherd. Bring your challenges, struggles, and issues to Him, because he will  gently lead you to provision, satisfaction, joy, peace and divine protection.

Psalms 23:1 – The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want! *

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